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Curriculum Review of the Indonesian Language and Literature Education Study Program, Faculty of Cultural Sciences, Universitas Brawijaya by Dr. Jochem Van Den Boogert from Leiden University, Netherlands

(07/30/24) The Indonesian Language Education Study Program, Faculty of Cultural Sciences, Universitas Brawijaya conducted a curriculum review agenda held in the Meeting Room of FIB B building. To follow up on the ongoing national accreditation application process, a curriculum review was carried out as a more comprehensive evaluation. The agenda was attended by the department head, study program coordinator, lecturers, and invited an expert practitioner as a reviewer, namely Dr. Jochem Van Den Boogert from Leiden University.

Dr. Ive Emaliana, M.Pd., as the head of the Language Education department, expressed hope for a beneficial exchange of information for curriculum development in the Indonesian Language and Literature Education Study Program. Dr. Eti Setiawati, M.Pd., continued with a brief opening regarding the expectations of the curriculum review activity.

Based on the review results by Dr. Jochem Van Den Boogert, he criticized several aspects, namely the credit system for each course and the ongoing learning methods. Dr. Jochem provided a lot of information about how learning takes place at Leiden University, ranging from the distribution of courses, methods, teaching staff, student conditions, and so on. Additionally, a question and answer session was conducted to obtain solutions to real problems that occur.

In the closing session, Dr. Dany Ardian, M. Hum., as the event host, thanked all parties who attended and were involved in this agenda and did not forget to convey great expectations from this activity, namely that the Indonesian Language and Literature Education Study Program can have a curriculum that is worthy of competing globally with excellent accreditation.

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