Name | : Dr. Warsiman, M.Pd. | |
Gender | : V Male | Female |
Group/ Rank | : IV-C/ Pembina Utama Muda | |
Academic Position | : Associate professor | |
University | : Universitas Brawijaya | |
Department | : Language Education | |
Study Programme | : Indonesian Language and Literature Education | |
Teaching/ Research Interests | : Language and Literature Learning | |
Scopus ID | : – | |
Sinta ID | : 6000739 | |
Google Scholar Link | : | |
Email Eddress | : [email protected] |
Year of Graduation | Level (diploma, bachelor’s, master’s, doctoral) | University | Department/ Study Programme |
1995 | Diploma | The State University of Surabaya | Indonesian Language and Literature Education |
1999 | Bachelor’s | PGRI Adi Buana Of University | Indonesian Language and Literature Education |
2002 | Master’s | The State University of Surabaya | Indonesian Language and Literature Education |
Doctoral | Indonesia University of Education | Indonesian Language Education |
C. PROFESSIONAL TRAINING (2017-2021) | |||
Year | Type (Local/ International) | Organizer | Period |
2019 | PEKERTI | Brawijaya University | 44 Hours
October 7-11, 2019 |
D. COURSEBOOKS (2017-2021) | |||
Course Titles | Study Programme (Bachelor’s/ Master’s) | Printed/ non-printed | Semester/ Academic Year |
Literature Reading | Bachelor’s | Introduction to Literature Learning | 2017 |
Language and Literature Learning Research Methodology | Bachelor’s | Practical Guide to Classroom Action Research (CAR) | 2020 |
E. RESEARCH EXPERIENCE (2017-2021) | ||||||||
Year | Title | Role (Team Leader/ Member | Funding Sources | Research Partners (for Collaborative Research) | ||||
2021 | Pengembangan Model Kooperatif Tipe STAD (Student Team Achievement Division) dalam Pembelajaran Menyimak pada Siswa SMAN 1 Krian Sidoarjo (Development of Cooperative Model Type STAD (Student Team Achievement Division) in Listening Learning in SMAN 1 Student Krian Sidoarjo) | Team Leader | DPP/SPP | – | ||||
2019 | Analisis Pencegahan Plagiarisme dengan Menggunakan Turnitin Studio Feedback melalui Pendekatan Pedagogi (Analysis of Plagiarism Prevention Using Turnitin Studio Feedback through a Pedagogical Approach) | Team Leader | PNBP | – | ||||
2019 | Menilik Pelaksanaan Gerakan Literasi Sekolah di Kota Malang melalui Karya Sastra Unggulan Siswa (Observing the Implementation of the School Literacy Movement in the City of Malang through Student’s Excellent Literary Works) | Member | DPP/SPP | |||||
2018 | Revitalisasi Bahasa dan Tradisi di Desa Manduro Kecamatan Kabuh Kabupaten Jombang sebagai Dasar Perumusan Kebijakan Strategis Pemerintah Daerah, tahun 2018 (Revitalization of Language and Traditions in Manduro Village, Kabuh District, Jombang Regency as the Basis for Formulating Regional Government Strategic Policies, 2018) | Member | Dikti | |||||
2018 | Penggunaan Kaidah Bahasa Indonesia dalam Penulisan Skripsi Mahasiswa Fakultas Ilmu Budaya Universitas Brawijaya. (The Use of Indonesian Language Rules in Writing Thesis for Students of the Faculty of Cultural Sciences, Universitas Brawijaya.) | Team Leader | DPP/SPP | |||||
2017 | Pengembangan Pembelajaran Model Koopratif Tipe CIRC (Cooperative, Integrated, Reading and Composition) dalam Upaya Meningkatkan Kemampuan Membaca Intensif pada Siswa Sekolah Dasar Negeri di Kabupaten Sidoarjo. (Development of Circ Type Cooprative Model Learning (Cooperative, Integrated, Reading and Composition) in An Effort to Improve Intensive Reading Skills in Public Elementary School Students in Sidoarjo Regency) | Team Leader | Dikti | |||||
2017 | Pemerolehan Tindak Tutur Anak Usia Dini (Acquisition of Early Childhood Speech) | Member | DPP/SPP | |||||
1) Books/ Book Chapters/ Journal Articles | ||||||||
Year | Title | Publisher | Link | |||||
2021 | Improving Reading Ability and Identifying Drama Elements Using the Discussion Method | Erudio Journal of Educational Innovation | | |||||
2020 | Harmonisasi Nilai-nilai Bela Negara dengan sistem Nilai Kearifan Lokal Masyarakat untuk Meningkatkan Nasionalisme ( Harmonization of The Values of Defending the Country with the Community’s System of Local Wisdom values to Increase Nationalism) | Public Administration Journal of Research | | |||||
2020 | Penggunaan Kaidah Bahasa Indonesia dalam Penulisan Skripsi Mahasiswa Fakultas Ilmu Budaya Universitas Brawijaya ( The Use of Indonesian Language Rules in Writing Thesis for Students of the Faculty of Cultural Sciences, Universitas Brawijaya) | Indonesian Language and Literature Education Study Program, IKIP Budi Utomo Malang | | |||||
2020 | Upaya Meningkatkan Kemampuan Apresiasi Puisi melalui Model Taba (Efforts to Improve Poetry Appreciation Ability through Taba Model) | STKIP Bina Bangsa Banda Aceh | | |||||
2020 | Meningkatkan Kemampuan Mengarang Bebas melalui Metode Filed Trip ( Improving The Ability to Make Free through the Filed Trip Method) | Indonesian Language and Literature Education Study Program FKIP Islamic University of North Sumatra | | |||||
2020 | Meningkatkan Keterampilan Menulis Puisi melalui Metode (Outdoor Study Improving Poetry Writing Skills through Outdoor Study Method) | Religious Education and Training Surabaya Ministry of Religion | file:///C:/Users/lenovo/Downloads/7-10-PB.pdf | |||||
2019 | Vitalitas Bahasa, Diglosia, dan Ketirisannya: Pemertahanan Bahasa Manduro di Desa Manduro Kecamatan Kabuh, Kabupaten Jombang, Jawa Timur ( The Vitality of Language, Diglossia, and Its Drainability: Maintaining the Manduro Language in Manduro Village, Kabuh District, Jombang Regency, East Java) | Jogyakarta Language Center | | |||||
2019 | Madura Language Variatons: Phonological Change andits Relationship With Language Change and Ethnic Identity | Sanata Dharma University, Jogyakarta | | |||||
2) Conference Papers/ Posters | ||||||||
Year | Title | Main Author and Affiliation | Co-Author(s) and Affiliation | Organizer | Link | |||
3) Editor/ Scientific Publication Reviewer/Book Reviewer | ||||||||
Year | Title | Publisher | Link | |||||
Year | Event | Organizer | Role: Organizing Committee/ Participant/ Presenter/ Invited Speaker/ Keynote Speaker |
2021 | National Seminar (Assistance for Preparation of Digital Visual Media in Online Learning for Teachers) | Faculty of Cultural Studies, Brawijaya University | Participant |
2021 | National Seminar (Merging of Kemristek-Kemdikbud-What are the Impacts for Indonesia’s Future) | FORSILADI (Forum Silaturrahmi Doktor Indonesia) | Participant |
2021 | National Seminar (Honorary Doctoral and Professor Award-for What and for Whom?) | FORSILADI (Forum Silaturrahmi Doktor Indonesia) | Participant |
2021 | National Seminar (Socialization of Copyright Universitas Brawijaya 2021) | BIIW Brawijaya University | Participant |
2021 | (National Seminar) | STAI Darunnajah Jakarta | Participant |
2021 | Workshop (Online Learning for Students with Disabilities) | PSLD Brawijaya University | Participant |
H. COMMUNITY SERVICE (2017-2021) | |||
Year | Project | Location | Partner Institution |
2021 | Pelatihan Penulisan Karya Ilmiah KKG Kabupaten Bojonegoro (KKG Scientific Writing Training Bojonegoro regency) | Bojonegoro | KKG Kelas Kabupaten Bojonegoro |
2019 | Pengembangan Konsep Ruang Terbuka Hijau Berwawasan Literasi di Desa Ngabab Kabupaten Malang (Development of a Literacy Insight Green Open Space Concept in Ngabab Village, Malang Regency) | Ngabab Village, Malang Regency | Ngabab Village, Malang Regency |
2018 | Pemberdayaan Masyarakat Dusun Brumbung Desa Gunungsari Kecamatan Bumiaji Kota Batu dalam Mempersiapkan Objek Wisata (Community Empowerment in Brumbung Hamlet, Gunungsari Village, Bumiaji District, Batu City in Preparing Tourist Attractions) | Gunungsari Village, Bumiaji District, Batu City | Gunungsari Village, Bumiaji District, Batu City |
2017 | Lokakarya Pengemasan Objek Wisata Sumber mata air di Dusun Brumbung Desa Gunungsari Berbaisi Eko-Religi (Workshop on Packaging for Tourism Objects Springs in Brumbung Hamlet, Gunungsari Village, with Eco-Religion) | Gunungsari Village, Bumiaji District, Batu City | Gunungsari Village, Bumiaji District, Batu City |
Year | Event | Role | Organizer | Scope: Local/ National/ International |
Year | Association Name | Position |
2021 | Forum Silaturrahmi Doktor Indonesia (FORSILADI) | Deputy Head of the Ministry of Social Affairs and Society |
2020 | Persaudaraan Dosen Perguruan Tinggi Nusantara (PDPTN) | Advisory Board |
2018 | Asosiasi Pusat Studi Wanita/Gender dan Anak Indonesia (ASWGI) | Member |
Year | Output Type (Intellectual Property Rights, patent, innovation) | Registration Number |
Year | Event | Partner Institution | Level (National/ International) |