Name | : SONY SUKMAWAN | |
Gender | : V Male | Female |
Group/ Rank | : IV-B/Pembina Tingkat I | |
Academic Position | : Associate professor | |
University | : Universitas Brawijaya | |
Department | : Language Education | |
Study Programme | : Indonesia Language and Literature Education | |
Teaching/ Research Interests | : Literature, Folklore, and Education | |
Scopus IDE | : 57220954565 | |
Sinta IDE | : 6001499 | |
Google Scholar Link | : | |
Email Eddress | : [email protected] |
Year of Gradu ation |
Level (diploma, bachelor’s, master’s, doctoral) | University | Department/ Study Programme |
1999 | Bachelor’s | State Univesity of Malang | Indonesian and Regional Literature Language Education |
Master’s | State Univesity of Malang | Indonesian Language Education |
2013 | Doctoral | State Univesity of Malang | Indonesian Language Education |
C. PROFESSIONAL TRAINING (2017-2021) | |||
Year | Type (Local/ International) | Organizer | Period |
D. COURSEBOOKS (2017-2021) | |||
Course Titles | Study Programme (Bachelor’s/ Master’s) | printed/ non-printed | Semester/ Academic Year |
Oral Literature | S1 | Printed | Even/2018 |
Literary Ecocritic | S1 | Printed | Odd/2017 |
E. RESEARCH EXPERIENCE (2017-2021) | ||||
Year | Title | Role (Team Leader/ Member) | Funding Sources | Research Partners (for Collaborative Research) |
2017 | Strategi Budaya dalam Konservasi Alam dan Mitigasi Bencana melalui Kajian Kearifan Lingkungan Perempuan Tengger dalam Folklor (Cultural Strategy in Nature Conservation and Disaster Mitigation through the Study of Environmental Wisdom of Tengger Women in Folklore) | Chairman | DRPM | |
2018 | Strategi Budaya dalam Konservasi Alam dan Mitigasi Bencana melalui Kajian Kearifan Lingkungan Perempuan Tengger dalam Folklor (tahun ke-2) (Cultural Strategy in Nature Conservation and Disaster Mitigation through the Study of Environmental Wisdom of Tengger Women in Folklore (2nd year)) | Chairman | DRPM | |
2019 | Model Mitigasi Bencana Berbasis Tradisi Lisan (Oral Tradition Based Disaster Mitigation Model) | Chairman | BOPTN | Udayana University |
2019 | Pengetahuan Tradisional
tentang Ekologi dalam Sastra Anak-Anak (Traditional Knowledge on Ecology in Children’s Literature) |
Member | BOPTN | |
2019 | Penanaman Pendidikan Karakter di Sekolah melalui Teks Media Luar Ruang di Kota Malang Sebagai Upaya Mengurangi Permasalahan Sosial Remaja (Planting Character Education in Schools through Outdoor Media Texts in Malang as an Effort to Reduce Adolescent Social Problems)
Member | BOPTN | |
2019 | Efek Penggunaan Materi Otentik terhadap Kemampuan Menulis Esai dalam Tingkat Kecakapan Berbahasa yang Berbeda dalam kaitannya dengan Penguatan Karakter Bangsa’ (Effects of Using Authentic Materials on Essay Writing Skills at Different Language Proficiency Levels concerning Strengthening the Nation’s Character)
Member | DRPM | |
2020 | Model Pendidikan Responsif Kearifan Seni dan Tradisi Lokal bagi Generasi Milenial Melalui Revitalisasi Sastra Pentas Sodoran Tengger (A Model of Responsive Education for the Wisdom of Local Arts and Traditions for the Millennial Generation through the Revitalization of the Literature of the Sodoran Tengger Performance) | Chairman | BOPTN | |
2020 | Pemertahanan Ekspresi Budaya Tradisional Tengger Melalui Tata Kelola Adat Berpondasi Tri Falsafah Titiluri-Desa Kalapatra-Anjangsana: Sebuah Model Alternatif Good Governance Responsif Kearifan Lokal (Maintaining Traditional Tengger Cultural Expressions through Traditional Governance Based on Tri Philosophy Titiluri-Kalapatra-Anjangsana Village: An Alternative Model of Local Wisdom Responsive Good Governance) | Chairman | BOPTN |
F. SCIENTIFIC PUBLICATIONS (2017-2021) | ||||||||||||
1) Books/ Book Chapters/ Journal Articles | ||||||||||||
Year | Title | Publisher | Link | |||||||||
2017 | Ekokritik Sastra (Literary Ecocritic) | UB Press | | |||||||||
2018 | Green Folklore | UB Press | | |||||||||
2020 | Romansa Sepotong Malam: Kumpulan Puisi (A Piece of the Night Romance: A Collection of Poems) | UB Press | | |||||||||
2020 | GramaTirta | MNC Publishing | | |||||||||
2020 | Senjakala Bumi (Earth twilight) | UB Press | | |||||||||
2020 | Sodoran Tengger | MNC Publishing | | |||||||||
2020 | Sangsaka Saujana Tengger | MNC Publishing | | |||||||||
2020 | Write Down Your Thoughts: EFL Writing for EFL Learners ISBN 978-623-93972-4-1.
Co authored with Sony Sukmawan & Ana Ahsana |
Sidoarjo: Delta Pijar Khatulistiwa. | | |||||||||
2020 | Materi Otentik dan Pembelajaran Bahasa (Authentic Materials and Language Learning)
ISBN 978-623-6658-55-0 Co authored with Sony Sukmawan & Ana Ahsana |
Yogyakarta: Bildung Nusantara Publisher. | | |||||||||
2020 | Beradaptasi dengan Pandemi (Book Chapters) (Adapting to a Pandemic) ISBN 978-623-93972-3-4
(Book chapters as main author) |
Sidoarjo: Delta Pijar Khatulistiwa. | | |||||||||
2020 | Antologi Puisi: Covid-19 Radang & Ladang Kehidupan (Anthology of Poetry: Covid-19 Inflammation & Field of Life) | Pustaka Abadi, Jember | | |||||||||
2021 | Dongeng bantala Satwa (Animal Bantala tale) | MNC Publishing | | |||||||||
2021 | Kolose Kisah para pemelajar Merdeka (Colossians The story of the students of Merdeka) | Media Nusa Creative | | |||||||||
Volume.8 Number.1 March, 2017 Pp. 298-308
Environmental Messages
as Found in Indonesian Folklore and Its Relation to Foreign Language Classroom |
Arab World
English Journal (AWEJ), Houston, USA | | |||||||||
Vol. 8 No.2 September 2017 | Kearifan Ekologi dalam Sastra Lisan Tengger dan Pemanfaatannya bagi Mitigasi Bencana (Ecological Wisdom in Tengger Oral Literature and Its Utilization for Disaster Mitigation) | STKIP PGRI Pasuruan Educational and Social Journal | | |||||||||
Vol 17, No 1, Edisi Juli 2017 | Solving the Students’ Problems in Writing Argumentative Essay through the Provision of Planning | CELT | | |||||||||
Vol 12, No 1, February 2018, 1-7 | Environmental Wisdom In Oral Literature of Arjuna Slopes People | Lingua Cultura | | |||||||||
Volume 9. Number 1. March 2018, 134- 145 | Writing for Comprehension in Prose Fiction Analysis: The Students’ Voices | Arab World
English Journal (AWEJ), Houston, USA | | |||||||||
Vol.2, No.1, Juni 2018, hal 1 – 10 579-8944 | Perempuan-Perempuan Pemeluk Erat Adat: Studi Etnografi Perempuan Tengger (Closely Indigenous Adhering Women: An Ethnographic Study of Tenggerese Women) | Linguista, UNIPMA | | |||||||||
Vol.2 No.2 (2018) 99-107 | Kampung Kulservasi (Kuliner dan Konservasi) Wanamerta,
Tengger: Konsep Pariwisata Hijau (Cultivation Village (Culinary and Conservation) Wanarta, Tengger: Green Tourism Concept) |
Journal of Nusantara Cultural Studies
FIB UB. | | |||||||||
Volume 10. Number 4 December 2019
Investigating the Students’ Writing Ability in Responding to Environmental Issue | Arab World
English Journal (AWEJ), Houston, USA | | |||||||||
Vol. 3 No. 2, October 2019 pp. 68-77 | Authentic Materials For Teaching Writing: A Critical
Look |
International Journal of Language Education, | | |||||||||
Vol 3, No 2 (2019) | Using Environmental Issues To Trigger The Students’ Critical Thinking In Essay Writing Class
Journal of English Language, Literature, and Teaching | | |||||||||
Vol 7 No. 2 (2019) | Promoting Literacy Skills Throughstoribirds as web-Based technology | Journal of Education and Learning Dimensions | | |||||||||
4 (1), 22-33, (2020) | Developing a Literature-Based Instructional Material for Essay Writing Course; | Linguista, | | |||||||||
8 (3), 158-167, (2020) | Learning From The Pandemic:
Using Authentic Materials For Writing Cause-Effect Essay. |
International Journal of Languages Education (IJLET) | | |||||||||
4 (2), (2020) | Exploring The Use Of ESL Composition Profile For College Writing. | IJOLE. | | |||||||||
5 (3) 279-292, (2020) | The Students’ Problems and Solutions In Writing Argumentative Essay On Gender Issue. | JELTL | | |||||||||
8 (2), 107-121, (2020) | Comparing The High And Low Achiever Students’ Difficulties In Learning Writing During Remote Learning. | Journal PERSPECTIVE: Language, Education and Literature | | |||||||||
5 (2),161-174, (2020) | Investigating the Students’ Ability in Creating Flash Fiction in Storybird Application. | SELL Journal | | |||||||||
6 (1),( 2021) | Learning from Home During Pandemic: A Blended Learning for Reading to Write Activity in EFL Setting. | Journal of English Educators Society (JEES). | | |||||||||
2) Conference Papers/ Posters | ||||||||||||
Year | Title | Main Author and Affiliation | Co- Author(s) and Affiliation |
Organizer | Link | |||||||
2019 | Sastra Kebencanaan (Literature of Disaster) | Sony sukmawan | PBI FKIP UMM | | ||||||||
2020 | Cangkriman-Sodoran-Karo:
Menaksir Dialektika Sastra Lisan-Ekosastra-Gastrosastra- Pariwisata Sastra (Sodoran-Karo Riddle: Estimating the Dialectics of Oral-Ecosastra-Gastrosastra Literature-Literary Tourism)
Sony sukmawan | KK Lateral FIB UB | | ||||||||
3) Editor/ Scientific Publication Reviewer/Book Reviewer | ||||||||||||
Year | Title | Publisher | Link | |||||||||
Year | Event | Organizer | Role: Organizing Committee/ Participant/ Presenter/ Invited Speaker/ Keynote Speaker |
2017 | ECKLL V | Dr. Soetomo University | Presenter | ||
2017 | Guest Lecture on Oral Literature and Ethnolinguistics | PPS, PGRI Madiun University | Presenter | ||
2017 | National Seminar on Education. | STKIP PGRI Pasuruan | Presenter | ||
2017 | National Seminar on Oral Traditions | Trunojoyo University | Presenter | ||
2018 | ECKLL VI | Dr. Soetomo University | Presenter | ||
2018 | Seminar on Community Dedication Results | FPMIPA UB | Presenter | ||
2018 | International Seminar in the Riksa Bahasa XII | UPI Bandung | Presenter | ||
2019 | ICEL | FIB UB, Malang, Indonesia | Presenter | ||
2019 | Melanesian-Austronesian Language and Literature National Seminar | Kupang Language Center | Presenter | ||
2019 | The 1st International Conference on English and Technology (ICOTECH) | PGRI Madiun University, Madiun, Jawa Timur, Indonesia | Presenter | ||
2019 | The International English Language Teachers and Lecturers (iNELTAL) | FS, UM. Malang, Indonesia | Presenter | ||
2020 | The International English Language Teachers And Lecturers (INELTAL) | Faculty of Letters, State University of Malang. Indonesia, | Presenter | ||
2020 | International Seminar on Language, Education, and Culture ISOLEC. | State University of Malang, Malang. Indonesia | Presenter | ||
2020 | International Conference on Community Development ( ICCD 7). | Muhhamadiyah Malang University. Indonesia. | Presenter | ||
2020 | Enrichment of Career by Knowledge of Language and Literature VIII (ECKLL VIII) | Dr. Sutomo University | Presenter | ||
2021 | ICOLLEC | FIB UB | Presenter | ||
H. COMMUNITY SERVICE (2017-2021) | |||
Year | Project | Location | Partner Institution |
2017 | Revitalisasi Seni Tradisi Masyarakat Torongrejo, Pujon (Revitalization of the Traditional Art of the Torongrejo Society, Pujon) | Torongrejo, Pujon | The Village Government of Torongrejo |
2018 | Komodifikasi Seni Pertunjukan Jaranan Pujon (The commodification of Jaranan Pujon Performing Arts) | Torongrejo, Pujon | The Village Government of Torongrejo |
2018 | Pemanfaatan Terong Belanda Sebagai Kuliner Olahan Alternatif Khas Tengger Guna Menunjang Wanawerta Sebagai Desa Wisata Saujana Tengger, Kabupaten Pasuruan (Utilization of Dutch Eggplant as an Alternative Processed Culinary Typical of Tengger to Support Wanawerta as a Tourism Village of Saujana Tengger, Pasuruan)
Wanamerta, Tosari, Pasuruan | Conservation Group ‘Bala Daun’ |
2020 | Grama Patirtan (Desa Wisata Mata Air) Sebagai Grand Design Wisata Konservasi Air Berkelanjutan Desa Toyomarto (Grama Patirtan (Village of Spring Tourism) as Grand Design for Sustainable Water Conservation Tourism in Toyomarto Village) | Sumberawan, Toyomarto, Singosari | The Village Government of Torongrejo |
I. ROLE IN STUDENT ACTIVITIES (2017-2021) | ||||
Year | Event | Role | Organizer | Scope: Local/ National/ International |
2019 | PIMNAS | Adviser | Ministry of Research, Technology and Higher Education Indonesia | National |
2020 | PIMNAS | Adviser | Ministry of Research, Technology and Higher Education Indonesia | National |
2021 | PIMNAS | Adviser | Ministry of Research, Technology and Higher Education Indonesia | National |
2021 | Cup Language Education Department Student Creativity Program | Adviser | Language Education Major, Brawijaya University | Local |
Year | Association Name | Position |
2019—2024 | Association of Indonesian Language and Literature Lecturers (ADOBSI) East Java | Member of the Education and Training Division |
2018-2023 | Oral Tradition Association | Member of the Research Division |
Year | Output Type (Intellectual Property Rights, patent, innovation) | Registration Number |
2018 | Book and Intellectual Property Rights | 000720254 |
2019 | Book and Intellectual Property Rights | 000150945 |
2020 | Book and Intellectual Property Rights | 000217263 |
2020 | Book and Intellectual Property Rights | 000214440 |
2020 | Book and Intellectual Property Rights | 000211541 |
2020 | Innovation and Intellectual Property Rights | 000253442 |
2021 | Book and Intellectual Property Rights | 000278091 |
2021 | Innovation and Intellectual Property Rights | 000269023 |
Year | Event | Partner Institution | Level (National/ International) |