Name | : Nia Budiana, M.Pd. | |
Gender | : Male | V Female |
Group/ Rank | : III-b/ Penata Muda Tingkat I | |
Academic Position | : Assistant professor | |
University | : Universitas Brawijaya | |
Department | : Language Education | |
Study Programme | : Indonesia Language and Literature Education | |
Teaching/ Research Interests | : BIPA, Literary Education | |
Scopus IDE | : 57205060648 | |
Sinta IDE |
: 6678781 |
Google Scholar Link | : | |
Email Eddress | : [email protected] |
Year of Gradu ation |
Level (diploma, bachelor’s, master’s, doctoral) | University | Department/ Study Programme |
2009 | Bachelor’s | State University of Surabaya | Indonesian Language and Literature Education |
2015 | Master’s | State University of Surabaya | Indonesian Language and Literature Education |
C. PROFESSIONAL TRAINING (2017-2021) | |||
Year | Type (Local/ International) | Organizer | Period |
2017 | Dalam Negeri (Pelatihan Profesional) (Domestic Affairs (Professional training) | Development of Language Strategy and Diplomacy Center., Language Development and Fostering Agency | September 17-20, 2017 |
2018 | Dalam Negeri (Diklat Prajabatan) (Domestic Affairs (Diklat Pre-service)) | Brawijaya University | August 22, 2017 – April 24, 2020 |
D. COURSEBOOKS (2017-2021) | |||
Course Titles | Study Programme (Bachelor’s/ Master’s) | printed/ non-printed | Semester/ Academic Year |
Educator Ethics | S1 | Printed and Non-printed (E-Book) | Even 2017/2018 |
Instructional Media | S1 | Printed and Non-printed (E-Book) | Even 2017/2018 |
Academic Indonesia Language | S1 | Printed and Non-printed (E-Book) | Even 2017/2018 |
Speaking | S1 | Printed and Non-printed (E-Book) | Even 2017/2018 |
BIPA | S1 | Printed |
E. RESEARCH EXPERIENCE (2017-2021) | ||||
Year | Title | Role (Team Leader/ Member) | Funding Sources | Research Partners (for Collaborative Research) |
2020/2021 | Representasi Profetik pada film Animasi “Nussa Rara” (Prophetic Representation in the animated film “Nussa Rara”) | Chairman | ||
2020/2021 | Pengembangan kurikulum sastra anak responsive lingkungan hidup di masa covid-19 untuk mendukung merdeka belajar (Development of an environmentally responsive children’s literature curriculum during the COVID-19 period to support independent learning) | Member | ||
2020/2021 | Pemerolehan Bahasa pada anak berkebutuhan khusus (Autism Spectrum Disorder) (Language acquisition for children with special needs (Autism Spectrum Disorder)) | Member | ||
2020/2021 | Pengembangan bahan ajar membaca teks eksplanasi melalui pendekatan kontekstual pada mahasiswa BIPA level mahir (Development of teaching materials for reading explanatory texts through a contextual approach for advanced level BIPA students) | Chairman | ||
2019/2020 | Pengaruh persepsi dan motivasi tentang profesi guru di era revolusi industri 4.0 terhadap keterampilan mengajar mahasiswa (The influence of perceptions and motivations about the teaching profession in the era of the industrial revolution 4.0 on students’ teaching skills) | Member | ||
2018/2019 |
Pengembangan Bahan Ajar Menyimak Berbasis Pendekatan Kontekstual bagi Pembelajar BIPA Tingkat Pemula (Development of Listening Teaching Materials Based on Contextual Approaches for Beginner Level BIPA Learners)
Member | ||
2017 | Pengembangan Model Penilaian Otentik Berbasis Pendidikan Karakter untuk Mewujudkan Bahasa Indonesia sebagai Matakuliah Pengembangan Kepribadian (Development of an Authentic Assessment Model Based on Character Education to Realize Indonesian as a Personality Development Course) | Member | ||
2016/2017 | Pengembangan Bukur Teks BIPA Berbasis Multikulturalisme Bagi Penutur Asing Tingkat Pemula (Development of Multiculturalism-Based BIPA Textbooks for Beginner Level Foreign Speakers) | Chairman | ||
2016/2017 | Pengembangan Buku Teks BIPA Berbasis Multikulturalisme bagi Penutur Asing Tingkat Pemula. (Development of Multiculturalism-Based BIPA Textbooks for Beginner Level Foreign Speakers) | Chairman |
F. SCIENTIFIC PUBLICATIONS (2017-2021) | |||||||
1) Books/ Book Chapters/ Journal Articles | |||||||
Year | Title | Publisher | Link | ||||
2021 | Representasi Nilai Profetik Sastra Anak Digital Seri “Nussa Rara” Sebagai Media Pembelajaran Pendidikan Karakter pada Masa Pandemi (Representation of the Prophetic Value of Digital Children’s Literature “Nussa Rara” Series as a Learning Media for Character Education during the Pandemic Period) | Tidak dipublikasikan | – | ||||
2020 | Pemerolehan Bahasa pada Anak Berkebutuhan Khusus (Language Acquisition in Children with Special Needs) | CV IRDH | | ||||
2020 | The Effect of Metacognitive Strategies Implementation on Students’ Reading Comprehension Achievement | International Journal of Instruction |,-volume-13,-number-2 |
2019 |
Anti Plagiarisme: Hakikat, Perkembangan, dan Deteksi Plagiasi dalam Karya Ilmiah (Anti Plagiarism: The Essence, Development, and Detection of Plagiarism in Scientific Work) |
Intelegensia Media | – | ||||
2019 | Etika Profesi Pendidikan Generasi Milenial 4.0 (Professional Ethics for Millennial Generation Education 4.0) | UB PRESS
| | ||||
2019 | Pengembangan buku teks bahasa Indonesia untuk penutur asing tingkat pemula berbasis kearifan local wisata Malang (Development of Indonesian language textbooks for beginner-level foreign speakers based on local wisdom of Malang tourism) | BEBASAN | | ||||
2018 | Pengembangan Buku Teks BIPA Berbasis Multikulturalisme bagi Penutur Asing Tingkat Pemula (Development of Multiculturalism-Based BIPA Textbooks for Beginner Level Foreign Speakers) | Diglossia: Journal of Scientific Studies of Language and Literature | | ||||
2017 | Pengantar Psikolinguistik (Introduction to Psycholinguistics) | UB PRESS | | ||||
2017 | Bahasa Indonesia Akademik: Pengembangan Kepribadian Berbasis Pendidikan Karakter (Academic Indonesian: Personality Development Based on Character Education) | UB PRESS | | ||||
2017 | Keterampilan Berbicara: Desain Pembelajaran Berbasis Quantum Teaching (Speaking Skills: Learning Design Based on Quantum Teaching) | UB PRESS | | ||||
2020 | BIPA Indonesiaku Jaya (BIPA my glorious Indonesia) | Brawijaya Language Center Universitas Brawijaya | |||||
2) Conference Papers/ Posters | |||||||
Year | Title | Main Author and Affiliation | Co- Author(s) and Affiliation |
Organizer | Link | ||
2019 | Wisata Kuliner Nusantara: Diplomasi Budaya Melalui Standardisasi Materi Ajar BIPA di era milenial (Culinary Tourism of Nusantara: Cultural Diplomacy through Standardization of BIPA Teaching Materials in the millennial era) | Nia Budiana | Language Development and Fostering Agency | ||||
2017 | Pembelajaran Menulis Proposal Kegiatan Dengan Menggunakan Metode Kontekstual Kebudayan Pada kelas BIPA (Learning to Write Activity Proposals Using Cultural Contextual Methods in the BIPA class) | Nia Budiana | Language Development and Fostering Agency, Ministry of Education and Culture | ||||
2017 | Gender Dalam Buku Anak Penerbit KKPK tahun 2015-2020 (Gender in the KKPK Publisher’s Children’s Book 2015-2020) | Nia Budiana | IKAPROBSI | ||||
2016 | Improving Student’s Story Telling Skill on Elementary School by Using Take and Give Methodsbased Enviromental Education | Nia Budiana | SEAMEO | ||||
2016 | Pengaruh Film Animasi Pada Pemerolehan Bahasa Anak Usia Dini: Studi Kasus Kineta (The Effect of Animated Films on Early Childhood Language Acquisition: A Kineta Case Study) | Nia Budiana | MLI (Masyarakat Linguistik Indonesia) | ||||
3) Editor/ Scientific Publication Reviewer/Book Reviewer | |||||||
Year | Title | Publisher | Link | ||||
2019 | “The Factor and Indicator of Self-Confidence on the Indonesian Buddhist Teachers”
International Journal of Instruction | | ||||
2020 | “Cross-Cultural Competence in Multicultural Education in Indonesian and New Zealand High Schools”
International Journal of Instruction | |||||
2021 | “Teacher’s Achievement in Curriculum 2013 Training: A Hierarchical Linear Model”
International Journal of Instruction | |||||
Year | Event | Organizer | Role: Organizing Committee/ Participant/ Presenter/ Invited Speaker/ Keynote Speaker |
2020 | Internasional (International Seminar on Language, Culcure and History 2020 (ISLCH)) | Faculty of Cultural Sciences USU | September 12, 2020 |
2020 | Internasional (The International Online Conference On Indonesian Language For Foreigners (BIPA) Teaching Programme) | Uniwersytet Im Adama Mickiewicza w Poznaniu | Juny 29-30, 2020 |
2019 | Internasional (Wisata Kuliner Nusantara: Diplomasi Budaya Melalui Standardisasi Materi Ajar BIPA di era milenial) (International (Culinary Tourism Nusantara: Cultural Diplomacy through Standardization of BIPA Teaching Materials in the millennial era)) | Language Development and Fostering Agency | August 7, 2019 |
2017 | (Internasional) Gender Dalam Buku Anak Penerbit KKPK tahun 2015-2020 ((International) Gender in Children’s Books Published by KKPK 2015-2020) | IKAPROBSI | July 24, 2017 |
H. COMMUNITY SERVICE (2017-2021) | |||
Year | Project | Location | Partner Institution |
2021/2002 | Penguatan Kompetensi Guru dalam Penyusunan Media Visual Digital di Desa Toyomarto Kecamatan Singosari Kabupaten Malang (Strengthening Teacher Competence in Preparation of Digital Visual Media in Toyomarto Village, Singosari, Malang) | Malang Regency | |
2017 | Revitalisasi Seni Budaya Desa Ngabab Menuju Desa Wisata Edukasi (Revitalizing the Cultural Arts of Ngabab Village Towards an Educational Tourism Village)
Malang Regency | |
2020/2021 | Penguatan Mutu Pendidikan Berbasis Potensi Kearifan Lokal Daerah Desa Toyomarto Kecamatan Singosari Kabupaten Malang (Strengthening the Quality of Education Based on the Potential of Local Wisdom in Toyomarto Village, Singosari, Malang) | Malang Regency | |
2020/2021 |
Penguatan Mutu Pendidikan Berbasis Potensi Kearifan Lokal Daerah Desa Toyomarto, Kecamatan Singosari, Kabupaten Malang (Strengthening the Quality of Education Based on the Potential of Local Wisdom Toyomarto Village, Singosari, Malang) | Malang Regency | |
2019/2020 | Pengembangan Ruang Terbuka Hijau Berwawasan Literasi di Kec. Ngabab Kabupaten Malang (Development of Literacy Insight Green Open Space in Ngabab, Malang) | Malang Regency | |
2018/2019 | Penguatan Seni Tradisi Ngabab Menuju Desa Edukasi Budaya (Strengthening Ngabab Traditional Art Towards a Cultural Education Village) | Malang Regency | |
2017/2018 | Revitalisasi Seni Tradisi Desa Ngabab Menuju Desa Wisata Edukasi (Revitalizing the Traditional Art of Ngabab Village Towards an Educational Tourism Village) | Malang Regency | |
2016/2017 | Pelatihan Penerapan Metode Modelling Berbasis Pendidikan Lingkungan Hidup sebagai Alternatif Penulisan Penelitian Tindakan Kelas bagi Guru RA se-Kecamatan Kendungkandang Malang (Training on the Application of Environmental Education-Based Modeling Method as an Alternative for Writing Classroom Action Research for RA Teachers in Kendungkandang, Malang) | Malang Regency |
I. ROLE IN STUDENT ACTIVITIES (2017-2021) | ||||
Year | Event | Role | Organizer | Scope: Local/ National/ International |
2020 | Program Penelitian DPP/SPP (Pendampingan, pembimbingan, mentoring mahasiswa secara terstruktur menghasilkan diantaranya: karya inovatif, karya teknologi yang bermanfaat bagi kesejahteraan masyarakat dan industri; proyek kewirausahaan; startup/usaha rintisan; magang industri; bina desa) | Adviser | FIB UB | Local |
Year | Association Name | Position |
2019-2024 | Association of Indonesian Language and Literature Lecturers (ADOBSI) | Administrator |
2014-…. | Association of Indonesian Language and Literature Lecturers (ADOBSI) | Members |
Year | Output Type (Intellectual Property Rights, patent, innovation) | Registration Number |
2021 | Intellectual Property Rights | Record number of Intellectual Property Rights 000247975 |
Year | Event | Partner Institution | Level (National/ International) |