Halo Kaprodi: Improving the Quality of Students through the MBKM Program, Community Service Activities, and UKT Assistance Program for Students

On Saturday 18 June 2022, the Student Association of Indonesian Language and Literature Education Study Program Universitas Brawijaya Public Relations Division held a routine activity at the end of the semester, namely Hello Head of Study Program. Hallo Kaprodi is a casual talk activity attended by the Head of Study Program and all Diksasindo students. Discussing future lecture plans and evaluating lectures that have been undertaken.

As before, this time the Halo Head of Study Program was held online through the zoom meeting platform and attended by several students of the 2019, 2020, and 2021 batches. The theme carried was “Improving the Quality of Students through the MBKM Program, Community Service Activities, and UKT Assistance Programs for Students ” with the resource person, Mr. Maulfi Syaiful Rizal, M.Pd as the Head of the Indonesian Language and Literature Education Study Program.

The activity began with remarks by the Head of Himaprodi Diksasindo, the chief executive of Halo Kaprodi, and continued with the Head of Study Program’s remarks as well as material delivery. The materials presented included the MBKM (Student Exchange and Teaching Campus) socialization, the 2022/2023 Odd Semester KKN Program, the UKT assistance scheme. After hearing the delivery of the material, students are welcome to ask questions and consult related to the problems of the lectures that will be taken and those that have been passed.

In the question and answer session, the enthusiasm of students in asking questions was very high, this was evidenced by the large number of incoming questions. Questions about student confusion regarding KKN activities became the questions that dominated the discussion. However, one by one the students’ questions and concerns were able to be answered and solved by Mr. Maulfi. Not forgetting to be on the sidelines of the answer, Mr. Maulfi also said that “Prodi will always accompany and guide students in the activities that will be carried out later”. This synergy is a bright path for students for the future.

implementation of the Halo Kaprodi activity certainly provides insight for students as well as Study Programs. In addition to making it easier for students to get information directly related to lectures, this activity is also a place to accommodate aspirations as well as answer student questions and concerns. With many benefits that can be felt, the Halo Kaprodi will be held again in the next semester with interesting discussion topics and methods. Don’t miss it!

The Halo Kaprodi for the odd semester 2021/2022 can be watched again via the link https://youtu.be/yWk3QLC2_3w. (ais)

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