School of Writing: Sky the Work from Earth Diksasindo

On Friday (1/7/2022) the Himaprodi DIksasindo Batch 1 Writing School activity was held online using the Zoom. With the presenter Ibu Putri Kumala Dewi, M.Pd., the class was effective and interactive because the material was relevant to the students’ concerns and the many questions that arose.

The School of Writing is a work program from the Himaprodi Diksasindo 2022 Research and Reasoning Department (Rispen), this activity focuses on developing student interests and talents in the field of writing. In its activities, the writing school is filled by several reliable presenters from Diksasindo’s outstanding lecturers and students so that it is hoped that this activity can trigger the enthusiasm of students in producing written works.

The Diksasindo 2022 School of Writing has the theme “Writing: Strategy for Writing Fiction, Poetry, and Scientific Articles” which consists of 2 batches carrying the concept of online classes and 2-week time intervals via the Zoom. In the first batch of activities, the activities have been carried out for a period of 3 months starting from April to July 2022. While in the second batch later this activity will be carried out from October to November 2022. personal writing ability) is a program outcome that can be seen in real terms as a form of appreciation to all participants, one of which is through the publication of anthology books which hopefully can be published physically or digitally in the near future.” Said Salamah as Head of Research Department Himaprodi Diksasindo 2022. Interestingly, the output of this activity is the publication of an anthology book which is currently being initiated from the results of batch 1 writing schools.

One of the ways Diksasindo is by attending a writing school. Awaiting his presence at the Writing School batch 2, Diksasindo. See you later!. (wrl)

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