Diksasindo visit to Walailak University, Thailand

As an effort to develop the Indonesian Language and Literature Education Study Program (Diksasindo), Faculty of Cultural Studies, Universitas Brawijaya (FCS UB) dispatched a team of Diksasindo lecturers to Walailak University (WU), Thailand in a series of UB’s Working Lecturer Program. The lecturer team is chaired by Dr. Trisna Andarwulan, S.S., M.Pd  and Dr. Dany Ardhian, M.Hum and Millatuz Zakiyah, S.Pd., M.A. The Working Lecturer Program was launched by UB on National Education Day, 2 May 2021. This program is a realization of UB’s vision and mission to become a World Class University.

In the Working Lecturer Program, the Diksasindo lecturer team initiated a collaboration with the Faculty of the School of Political Science and Public Administration.

“This collaboration initiative is the beginning of ongoing collaboration in terms of Tri Dharma, research, community service, or apprenticeships such as KKN and teaching practices that are mutually beneficial between the two parties,” he concluded.

Even more interesting, the Diksasindo FCS UB lecturer team also carried out visiting lecturers by raising the title Strengthening Local Indonesian Literacy for BIPA Learners.

“We teach local Malang culture to Thai students who are taking the Asean Studies Program at the School of Political Science and Public Administration,” explained Trisna.

In addition, the team also conducted institutional internships to add insight into the curriculum, implementation of learning, and evaluation systems at the faculty. The Faculty Management of the School of Political Science and Public Administration, Walailak University, coordinated by Mrs. Pensri Panich, also held a campus tour event and facilitated religious and cultural tourism for the Diksasindo lecturer team, FCS UB. This is a form of welcome from Walailak University to the Diksasindo lecturer team, FCS UB.

“WU facilitates religious and cultural tourism in Nakhon Si Thammarat, Thailand, including the Phramahathat Woramahawihan Temple, Khanom, and Kiriwong Village. In Kiriwong Village, the Diksasindo lecturer team learned how to make handkerchiefs with natural dyes and make scented candles and herbal scrubs from natural ingredients,” said Trisna.

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