The Indonesian Language and Literature Education Study Program collaborated with Fatoni University (Thailand) lecturers in writing the book BIPA (Indonesian Language for Foreign Speakers) with a health theme. This activity is carried out in stages through online and offline meetings. On June 10 2023, Mr. Islahuddin, an Indonesian language lecturer at Fatoni University came to FCS UB to hold an offline meeting with lecturers from the Indonesian Language and Literature Education Study Program FCS UB. The meeting was held to report on the progress of the collaboration. Apart from that, the meeting was also an opportunity to build other collaborations, such as joint research, student exchanges, and curriculum reviews.
“I am very happy to be able to attend FCS UB to accompany our students who are doing student exchange here as well as discussing the progress of the book collaboration that has been carried out. Apart from that, we can also build other collaborations, “said Islahuddin.
The collaboration carried out by the Indonesian Language and Literature Education Study Program FCS UB with the Fatoni University Malay Language Department consists of research collaboration, teaching, student exchanges, scientific publications, and curriculum reviews. This cooperation can be a great start for the development of both parties.
Ety Setiawati, Chair of the Indonesian Language and Literature Education Study Program FCS UB, said, “If we have started this, now we must communicate frequently to carry out research, teaching and international scientific publications. Surely this will be good for study programs and Fatoni University. Hopefully this collaboration can be carried out smoothly.” (Ren)