Student Achievement Data for Indonesian Language and Literature Education 2020


The Study Program of Indonesian Language and Literature Education FCS UB has succeeded in adding championships at various levels, both local and national in the past year. In addition to the various championships that have been won by students, the study program always provides the best facilities for students who want to provide guidance in competitions. In addition, in the 2020 FCS AWARDS annual award, HimaProdi Indonesian Language and Literature Education won the title of HimaProdi Achievement 2020. The following is the achievement data of Diksasindo FCS UB students in 2020:

1. Muhammad Firyal Diazka (2018)
– The 1st place winner passes the Peksiminas at the poetry reading branch level
– 3rd Place Passed the Poetry Branch of the Poetry Competition at the university level
– 3rd place in UB Literature at national level, poetry reading branch
– Finalist of the top 8 national debates at STSIP Muhammadiyah Sinjai
– 3rd place reading the 9th Riau Genbi National Poetry
– 3rd place reading the poetry of Gamadiction, University of North Sumatra at the national level

2. Uswatun Khasanah (2019)
– 1st place reading poetry night literature fib ub
– 3rd place in UB Literature Competition at national level in poetry branch
– 3rd Place Passes the Peksiminas at the poetry reading branch of the faculty
– Nominated for the 100 best works of reading national poetry by the Indonesian creative movement
– 2nd place reading national poetry by pdip bojonegoro
– Category Advanced Declarator poetry reading competition “caring pandemic” by the arts competition center
– 2nd place in Regency level poetry reading creation by IPN_IPPNU Gresik
– 1st place for poetry reading at the national level by Kartar Ketanen Panceng Gresik
– 1st place in the provincial poetry reading competition by PAC IPNU-IPPNU Sidayu

3. Elvin Nuril Firdaus (2019)
– 3rd place in the UB Literature Competition for poetry creation
– 2nd place in the UB Literature Competition, short story creation branch

4. M. Sulthon Izza Hakim (2017)
– The 3rd place winner passes the competition at the faculty level for the poetry creation branch
– 3rd place pass the black and white photography branch of the university level competition

5. Alpi Anwar Pulungan (2017)
– 1st Winner Passed Peksiminas University level for writing play

6. Alfan Muqorrobin Assegaf (2016)
– 1st place winner passes the Peksiminas at the faculty level for short story creation

7. Vivi Novita Dewi (2016)
– The 3rd place winner passes the Peksiminas at the faculty level for short story creation

8. Karina Nur Wulan (2019)
– 2nd Place Passed the Peksiminas at the Faculty of Poetry Reading Branch

9. Yoko Oktavian Wahyu Pratama (2019)
– Entered in the 75 best works of the Bali Kagama Poetry Week
– FCS UB 2020 Ambassador won Top 3 and Runner Up 1
– 2nd place in men’s pop singing FIB CUP 2020

10. Dina Fitria Hasanah (2017)
– Top 10 Finalist of UNS Infographic Essay

11. Sayyidah Achmadah Alwiyah (2018)
– Finalist of the top 8 national debates at STSIP Muhammadiyah Sinjai

12. R.A Ega Fathma Fairuzi (2019)
– Finalist of the top 8 national debates at STSIP Muhammadiyah Sinjai

13. Muhammad Agus Prasetyo (2018)
– Silver Award in International Invention and Innovative Competition (InIIc Series 2/2020)
– The article was accepted in the National Journal (SENASBASA) Volume 4, Number 1, October 2020 with the title “The Tradition of the Prohibition of Customs on the Folklore of the Golan and Mirah Villages in Ponorogo Regency as Conflict Resolution Based on Local Wisdom”

14. Awik Tamara (2018)
– The article was accepted in the National Journal (SENASBASA) Volume 4, Number 1, October 2020 with the title “The Tradition of the Prohibition of Customs on the Folklore of the Golan and Mirah Villages in Ponorogo Regency as Conflict Resolution Based on Local Wisdom”

15. Syarifah Utami (2017)
– Top 20 general category blog competition
– 2nd Place in the IAIN Learning Media Competition
– 1st Winner of Brawijaya Learning Media Competition

16. Mifta Nur Aini (2018)
– Passed PIMNAS UB 2020 (PKMM) with the title “Response program for the legend of the Tengger area through the creation of batik motifs to empower indigenous people and support the sustainable tourism industry”

17. Siti Maesaroh (2018)
– Passed PIMNAS UB 2020 (PKMM) with the title “Response program for the legend of the Tengger area through the creation of batik motifs to empower indigenous people and support the sustainable tourism industry”

18. Miftakul Jannah (2017)
– Passed PIMNAS UB 2020 (PKMM) with the title “Response program for the legend of the Tengger area through the creation of batik motifs to empower indigenous people and support the sustainable tourism industry”

19. Nisfina Harani Novianti (2018)
– 3rd place fib cup poster design 2020



Local Mawapres Diksasindo :
1. Alpi Anwar Pulungan (2017) (Mawapres 1st place in the Individual category)
2. Syarifah Utami (2017) (mawapres 1st place in individual category)
3. Muhammad Firyal Diazka (2018) (Mawapres won 1st place in individual category)
4. Uswatun Khasanah (2019) (Mawapres II individual category)
5. M. Sulthon Izza Hakim (2017) (Mawapres third place in the individual category)

Regional Mawapres Diksasindo:
1. Uswatun Khasanah (2019) (Mawapres 1st and 2nd place in the individual category)

National Mawapres Diksasindo:
1. Muhammad Agus Prasetyo (2018) (Passed the National Higher Education Funding)
2. Siti Meisaroh (2018) (Passed Pimnas 2020 TIM)
3. Elvin Nuril Firdaus (2019) (Mawapres won 1st place in individual category)
4. Uswatun Khasanah (2019) (Mawapres third place in the individual category)
5. Muhammad Firyal Diazka (2018) (Mawapres third place in the individual category)
6. Zuli Laila Khafida (2019) (Mawapres won third place in individual category)
7. Dea Erlinda Sari (2017) (Mawapres won III individual category)
8. Dolorosa Sinta Grace (2017) (Mawapres third place in the individual category)

Mawapres international Diksasindo :
1. Muhammad Agus Prasetyo (2018) (Silver medal TIM)

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