UB is committed to ensuring proper and high standard quality assurance. UB’s effort to assure quality is by conducting and developing Internal Quality Assurance System or Sistem Penjamin Mutu Internal (henceforth SPMI) and External Quality Assurance System or Sistem Penjaminan Mutu Eksternal (henceforth SPME) regularly. The SPMI execution in UB has met the National Standard of Higher Education (SN Dikti) following the Permenristekdikti no. 44 year 2015 that mentions National Standards of Higher Education with the Tri Dharma Perguruan Tinggi must be evaluated and refined in a planned, directed, and sustainable manner by the agency assigned to formulate and develop National Higher Education Standards to meet the demands of local, national, and global changes. SPMI correlates with the realization of the Internal Quality Audit and Quality Management Review that is performed regularly every year at the faculty and study programme level. Moreover, SPME corresponds with the study programme quality assurance by involving BAN-PT or International accreditation, and International Certification Bodies. At the university level, however, the quality assurance is performed by PJM which vision is to propagate SPMI in UB. Moreover, quality assurance at the study programme level is carried out by GJM and UJM at the department level which accommodates the study programmes in each department.