Doing Communities’ Satisfaction Survey

Communities Satisfaction Survey (Survey Kepuasan Masyarakat, SKM) is intended for stakeholders, namely, lecturers, students, staff, and FCS external parties that are related to the quality service level in FCS as the reference to improve public service for the next years. The result of SKM FCS UB year 2021 can be accessed on the following website

The Study Programme always involves stakeholders in the process of quality assurance. Generally, stakeholders consist of internal parties such as lecturers, students, and educational staff. Moreover, external stakeholders are alumni and alumni users. The data collection of the input from students on the learning process is performed using a questionnaire that can be accessed by students on Student Academic Information System or Sistem Informasi Akademik Mahasiswa (henceforth SIAM) website at the end of the semester. The feedback of the learning process questionnaire can be seen by the lecturers in their Lecturer Academic Information System or Sistem Informasi Akademik Dosen (henceforth SIADO) account in the course subject questionnaire section. The contents of this questionnaire include the readiness of lecturers to carry out teaching, teaching materials to the interaction of lecturers with students taught in the classroom. The results of the evaluation, both at the internal level of the study programme and evaluation at the external level, are socialized through regular study programme meetings and in departmental meetings held at the end and the beginning of each semester.

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