source: Himaprodi Diksasindo (Youtube)
The Language Month Literary Festival is one of the major work programs of Himaprodi Diksasindo under the auspices of the Department of Education and Languages. This event aims to commemorate the month of language and national competitions in several categories and Sarasehan attended by reputable writers. On this occasion, the Language Month Literary Festival raised the theme, “Portrait of Local Culture in Literature”.
There are various competitions in the series of events at the Language Month Literature Festival, and the main event is a workshop with writers as speakers. The competitions contested at the Language Month Literary Festival include essays, short stories, poetry, and poetry reading competition. The competitions will be held on August 2 – October 22, 2021, with the following details:
– Registration and submission of works: August 2 – October 6, 2021
– Script Selection: 7 October – 17 October 2021
– Announcement of the competition: October 22, 2021
After the series of competitions session, continued to the main event of the Language Month Literature Festival, the Sarasehan (workshop), which was held on Saturday, October 23, 2021. The event opened with a teaser video by the FSBB committee hosted by Rif’atus Sa’adah, the host. After that, followed by remarks, the first remarks were delivered by the Chief Executive of FSBB 2021, Aulia Novitasari, followed by remarks from the Head of HimaProdi Diksasindo, Muhammad Kriswanto, and the last remark was by the Head of the Diksasindo Study Program, Mr. Maulfi Syaiful Rizal, M.Pd.
Then the event continued to the next session, which is the delivery of material and discussions by Oka Rusmini, an Indonesian writer and novelist, guided by the moderator, Teguh Afandi, the Editor at Gramedia. On this occasion, the presenter presented material with the title, “Balinese Human Landscapes” or in Bahasa Indonesia means, “Lanskap-lanskap Manusia Bali”
The event closed with a video showing the winner of the poetry reading, namely Naufal Dhiya Ulhaq from Padjadjaran University, and a group photo.