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Language Month Literary Festival: A Portrait of Local Culture in Literature [ENG]

source: Himaprodi Diksasindo (Youtube)

The Language Month Literary Festival is one of the major work programs of Himaprodi Diksasindo under the auspices of the Department of Education and Languages. This event aims to commemorate the month of language and national competitions in several categories and Sarasehan attended by reputable writers. On this occasion, the Language Month Literary Festival raised the theme, “Portrait of Local Culture in Literature”.

There are various competitions in the series of events at the Language Month Literature Festival, and the main event is a workshop with writers as speakers. The competitions contested at the Language Month Literary Festival include essays, short stories, poetry, and poetry reading competition. The competitions will be held on August 2 – October 22, 2021, with the following details:

– Registration and submission of works: August 2 – October 6, 2021
– Script Selection: 7 October – 17 October 2021
– Announcement of the competition: October 22, 2021

After the series of competitions session, continued to the main event of the Language Month Literature Festival, the Sarasehan (workshop), which was held on Saturday, October 23, 2021. The event opened with a teaser video by the FSBB committee hosted by Rif’atus Sa’adah, the host. After that, followed by remarks, the first remarks were delivered by the Chief Executive of FSBB 2021, Aulia Novitasari, followed by remarks from the Head of HimaProdi Diksasindo, Muhammad Kriswanto, and the last remark was by the Head of the Diksasindo Study Program, Mr. Maulfi Syaiful Rizal, M.Pd.

Then the event continued to the next session, which is the delivery of material and discussions by Oka Rusmini, an Indonesian writer and novelist, guided by the moderator, Teguh Afandi, the Editor at Gramedia. On this occasion, the presenter presented material with the title, “Balinese Human Landscapes” or in Bahasa Indonesia means, “Lanskap-lanskap Manusia Bali”

The event closed with a video showing the winner of the poetry reading, namely Naufal Dhiya Ulhaq from Padjadjaran University, and a group photo.

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Kelas Minat Bakat: Keterampilan Berbicara “Storytelling” [ENG]

Source: Instagram

Himaprodi Diksasindo FCS UB carries out one of the work program activities, Kelas Minat Bakar for Diksasindo UB 2021 freshmen. This time, Kelas Minat Bakat collaborates with, and the theme is ‘Storytelling Ability Speaking Class.’ . Kelas Minat Bakat event is held every month with a different theme, and this event is proposed to help the freshmen gain knowledge that can improve their soft skills and competence.

The event was held on Sunday, September 26, 2021 through the online conference platform zoom meeting and started at 9.15 am. Kelas Minat Bakat was guided by a moderator, Cahyani Ilma, a student of Diksasindo 2020. This event was divided into five sessions. The first session started with remarks made by the chairman of the Association, Muhammad Kriswanto, a 2019 Diksasindo student and continued with remarks by the Head of the Indonesian Language and Literature Education Study Program, Mr. Maulfi Syaiful Rizal, M.Pd., however, on this occasion he was unable to attend the event.

After the remarks, the event entered the second session, which is presenting material on the Storytelling Concept by the presenter, Anisa Aulia, Content Writer from It then continued with presenting material on Story Telling Skills in Video by Aldo Christian Sitanggang, Video Editor from After the material presentation session, the event was continued to the third session, which is discussion and question and answer. Then proceed to the fourth session, namely the Socialization of Activities or Take Action Together session by Nanda and Nabilla, representatives of The event ended with assignments for freshmen and closing remarks by the moderator.

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Visit Departemen Himaprodi Diksasido : Perayaan Satu Dekade Himaprodi(ENG)

Sunday, (12/09/2021), Himaprodi Diksasindo held a Visit Department event attended by all Himaprodi Diksasindo members. Visit Department itself is one of the programs of the HRD Department, which visits every Department and asks about the progress and obstacles faced by each Department. However, today’s Department Visit is slightly different from usual because on August 23, 2021, HimaProdi Diksasindo had its 10th birthday. Therefore, the Department Visit was used to celebrate the 10th anniversary of HimaProdi.

The event started at 09.00 WIB, which began with a speech from the Chief Executive, Nove Amelya Jihan Ramadhini, followed by a speech by Head of Himaprodi Diksasindo, Muhammad Kriswanto. After that, the event continued with a candle-blowing event by all HimaProdi Diksasindo and a message of hope for Hima Study Program Diksasindo in the future.

The event was continued by playing games in order to strengthen the bond between Himaprodi members. The Games were done using a breakout room. The games played guess the song and guess the picture of the food.

After the games session ended, participants returned to the main room and watched a video of Himaprodi Diksasindo’s memories about the program of Himaprodi Diksasindo before the pandemic. The Visit Department ended with a speech from the Head of Himaprodi Diksasindo, Muhammad Kriswanto, and the Deputy Chair of the Association, Asri Kamila Ramadhani.

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Diksasindo Discussion: Fostering Creative and Innovative Diksasindo Young Entrepreneurial Spirits

Source : Instagram @diksasindo.ub

On Saturday, September 25, 2021 Himaprodi Diksasindo runs one of the work programs, namely the Diksasindo Discussion. The Diksasindo Discussion is the annual work program of Himaprodi Diksasindo, this time the Diksasindo Discussion carries the theme Growing the Creative and Innovative Spirit of Diksasindo Young Entrepreneurs. Because the COVID-19 pandemic is still not over, the Diksasindo Discussion event was held online through a zoom meeting.
The event started at 09.00 WIB and was guided by the MC, Andika Simamora, a 2019 Diksasindo student. It started with a speech from the Chief Executive, Fanya Indah Agustin, a Diksasindo 2020 student and continued with a speech from the Association Chair, Muhammad Kriswanto, a 2019 Diksasindo student.
After the remarks, the event went straight to the main event. The main event was hosted by the moderator, namely, Rif’atus Sa’adah Ahmad, a student of Diksasindo 2020. The first material delivery event began with reading the CV of the first speaker, Muhammad Elfat Ibrahim, S.Pd. with material about the business world. Furthermore, the second material begins with reading the CV of the speaker, namely, Dhea Hana Lilia, S.Pd. with material Tips and Tricks for Entrepreneurship Success.
After the presentation of the two materials, the event continued with a question and answer session guided by the moderator. The last event was the handing over of certificates to presenters who were guided by the MC. Then the event closed with a photo with the Diksasindo Discussion participants.
Hopefully the COVID-19 pandemic will end soon so that future events can be held face to face.

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First Gathering Introduksi Diksasindo 2021 [ENG]

source : @pentasbudayabrawijaya

Introduction Diksasindo is one of a series of events from the Brawijaya Cultural Stage that was brought online because of the pandemic period in lieu of the peak event of the Brawijaya Cultural Stage. The introduction of Diksasindo aims to help new students to better know everything related to the Indonesian Language and Literature Education study program despite the pandemic.

On Saturday (28/08), first gathering was held online through zoom meeting media. The event began at 07.30 WIB, beginning with the opening by MCs Andika Simamora and Rif’atus Sa’dah Ahmad. The event continued with speeches, the first of which was a speech from the Chairman of the Brawijaya Cultural Stage 2021, Herlina Dwi Rahmawati, followed by a speech by the Chairman of Himaprodi Diksasindo 2021, Muhammad Kriswanto, then continued the speech by the Head of the Indonesian Language and Literature Education Study Program, Mr. Maulfi Syaiful Rizal.

After the speech, the event continued with the delivery of material by Mr. Maulfi Syaiful Rizal. The material presented is material about Student Affairs.

Not to forget, in the Introduction of Diksasindo 2021 is also carried out the introduction of organizations and communities within the scope of Diksasindo. The first, the introduction of himaprodi diksasindo organization delivered by Muhammad Kriswanto and Asri Kamila Ramadhani as Chairman and Vice Chairman of Himaprodi Diksasindo 2021. Then continued with the introduction of the Futsal Diksasindo community delivered by Arya Alkautsar and Pradita as the manager of Futsal Diksasindo. The next introduction of the Dii Theater community was delivered by Abidzar Gilang as Chairman of Dii Theater. Continued with the introduction of the Community Diksasindo Mengajar, delivered by Mutiara Nova and Siti Darussalamah as the manager of Diksasindo Teaching.

After the introduction of the organization, the event continued with playing games guided by the event division to refresh the energy of the participants of the Introduction of Diksasindo 2021. It did not stop there, after the games the event continued with the introduction of the Diksasindo 2021 Introduction committee and the delivery of the impression of the message of new students Diksasindo 2021. The 2021 introduction concluded with a photo session with all participants.

Although implemented online, it is hoped that the Introduction of Diksasindo 2021 can help new students in socializing in the new world with new friends within the scope of Diksasindo.


The Covid-19 pandemic, which took many lives, forced the government to implement various regulations to stop the spread of Covid-19.The government issued policies involving the entire community, one of which was Large-Scale Social Restrictions (PSBB) which later changed its name to PPKM (Enactment of Restrictions on Community Activities).This requires people to limit activities outside the home, such as work or school. The problem is also felt by the people of Ledok Kulon Village, Bojonegoro. Limited social activities cause people to spend a lot of time with virtual face to carry out their activities.

Limited community activities have an impact on various aspects of people’s lives, one of which is that entrepreneurs know as the majority profession in Ledok Kulon Village.
“The impact of the pandemic felt by employers knows is extraordinary. Before there was Covid-19, every day could produce tofu up to two quintals. However, it is now down by approximately 25-50%. Marketing is constrained, buyers are also rare.Many traders complained and went out of business. If now it can benefit from sales already alhamdulillah,” said one of the entrepreneurs know Ledok Kulon Village (06/07).

In addition, pandemics also have an impact on people’s mental health, such as the onset of anxiety effects due to uncertainty of situations in pandemic times, even mental stress.Not infrequently also people have to rotate their brains so that life continues to run and needs are still met.In response to these problems, the three students of Universitas Brawijaya (UB) consisting of Elvin Nuril Firdaus (Diksasindo’19), Asri Kamila Ramadhani (Diksasindo’19), and Erriska Nur Aulia (Psychology’20) under the guidance of Dr. Sony Sukmawan, M.Pd. It offers psychological therapy media through traditional arts formed in animated videos.Therapy through art is expected to be a new innovation in addressing the psychological problems of the Ledok Kulon community and the wider community in the face of pandemics.

The results of the pandemic impact study for the People ledok Kulon in May to July 2021 showed a decrease in income and less adaptive work environment that causes mental stress.Therefore, art intervention is offered through sandur kembang desa art innovation packaged in the form of animated videos.

The animated video consists of three parts, (i) an introductory section containing verbal instructions that can direct the actions of the video audience; (ii) the contents section that contains an animated video of Sandur Kembang Desa that tells about the pandemic conditions accompanied by several sandur tembang; and (iii) the closing section contains the closing sentence. Animated videos are expected to be enjoyed by the community and able to contribute as a new innovation of traditional art, so that Sandur as one of the traditional art forms can be maintained its existence. Not only that, the messages contained about the pandemic in the video are expected to be conveyed and interpreted by the community. Thus, the audience can draw conclusions from the storyline happily. Happiness and expression of these emotions are the goals in art therapy.

Art therapy in the form of animated videos is something that is in harmony with the situation in today’s society, limited social activities outside the home. Animated video as a form of audio visual media is also expected to attract the attention of millennials to traditional arts.


In mid-July, precisely on Sunday, July 18, 2021, Himaprodi was tormented again upgrading activities for himaprodi management itself. Upgrading is one of the work programs of the PSDM Department in the form of quality improvement activities and discussion of knowledge and science in organizing. The purpose of this activity is to increase the spirit of management, kinship, and unity between himaprodi managers. In this Upgrading event, Himaprodi invited presenters according to the theme raised. The theme carried out this time is personal branding, which invites a competent presenter in his field, namely Muhammad Nur Fauzan, an alumnus of Brawijaya University as well as head of research and development from
Upgrading event was opened by MC with a speech from the chief executive of Upgrading event, namely R.A.Ega Fathma Fairuzi. Then followed by a speech from the chairman of Himaprodi diksasindo, Muhammad Kriswanto. Before proceeding to the material session, MC first presents the Curriculum Vitae from the moderator who will guide the course of the discussion. After the opening has been completed the core activities began, none other than the material exposure of Kak Fauzan. At the beginning before giving the material, Kak Fauzan first brainstormed with himaprodi management about the difficulty in building personal branding. Brainstorming is intended to know the difficulties of each individual in forming personal branding. From the survey results, it was found that many members of Himaprodi diksasindo have difficulty in consistency and do not know where to start to build personal branding.
The material begins with an introduction to the self concept. The position of self concept before building personal branding is crucial, namely as a form of sensitivity to yourself. Through self concept, we can recognize what values are held, beliefs in self-identity, and coveted goals. After knowing the three components in the self concept, Kak Fauzan asked some members of Himaprodi to mention their values, beliefs, and goals. According to Kak Fauzan, this self concept can increase self awareness so that in the end we will know the authentic value of what is inherent in us. Continue on the next material about personal branding. Kak Fauzan mentioned that personal branding must have several points, including attractive to potential followers, authentic, familiar, consistent, and easy to understand. These five points are very useful to build personal branding that will be attached and easily known by others. Personal branding can also be formed more easily when we have understood the self concept of ourselves. Some figures who have authentic personal branding are presented by Kak Fauzan, namely Fauzan Al-Rasyid and Ivan Lanin. Both figures are certainly known for their proficiency and knowledge of Indonesian language.
The event continued during the discussion session. The material presented certainly attracted the interest of Himaprodi members to ask questions to Kak Fauzan. The form of questions asked is about the influence of others in building personal branding, role models as a reference in shaping personal branding, and how important online branding is in social media. All questions were answered satisfactorily by Kak Fauzan. At the end of the event, Kak Fauzan recommended a book that can influence the way of thinking, namely the book “Thinking Fast and Slow” by Daniel Kahneman. The event ended marked by closure by the MC as well as a joint documentation session.

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The government implemented Restrictions on Community Activities (PPKM) as Covid-19 cases increased in Indonesia. Until August 16, 2021 worldometers recorded confirmed cases of Covid-19 in Indonesia amounting to 3,854,354 total cases. East Java is one of the provinces in Java with the highest cases of Covid-19.One of the areas that accounted for high Covid-19 cases was Gresik Regency. Based on the map of the distribution of Covid-19 east Java, until August 15, 2021 the total confirmed cases of Covid-19 in Gresik Regency reached 12,226 total cases.

Based on these data, Gresik Regency became one of the districts that contributed the largest positive Covid-19 number in east Java. One of the things that need to be considered by the community is the low number of compliance with health protocols. This is necessary to reduce the spread of the Covid-19 virus.

“The Gresik community implements health protocols in places that require mandatory health protocols. The teenagers in Gresik quite adhere to different health protocols with some parents who are a little difficult to carry out health protocols. The government has made socialization efforts about health protocols such as holding socialization societies through public seminars in village halls and the existence of the first stage of vaccination in the local village,” said Natiq, a teenager from Gresik (03/07).

The increase in the number of Covid-19 in Gresik continues to increase and some residents who still do not comply with health protocols, making a number of students of the Faculty of Cultural Sciences, Universitas Brawijaya try to utilize gresik’s indigenous culture as a socialization media to prevent Covid-19 transmissio. Muhammad Kriswanto (Diksasindo’19), Elvin Nuril Firdaus (Diksasindo’19). Nadhira Shafa Kirana (Diksasindo’19), Della Yunia Amami (Diksasindo’19), and Varseliya Recy (Senrup’18) were mentored by Dr. Sony Sukmawan, M.Pd. Design socialization media using Damar Kurung.

Damar Kurung art media is offered as one of the media to disseminate information on how to prevent the spread of Covid-19 through illustration innovation. Damar Kurung is a gresik culture in the form of lanterns with a distinctive rectangular shape. In the illustration. This typical Gresik lantern depicts the culture and pattern of life of the Gresik people on all four sides.

“Damar Kurung is not made plain because the illustrations are actually the attraction of the community,” said Pak Nur Samaji, Damar Kurung Artist (25/05).

Source : Illustration image PKM FIB UB Team

Damar Kurung with images of 5M health protocols (wearing masks, washing hands, maintaining distance, maintaining crowds, limiting mobility and interaction) is expected to be able to help the government to campaign for compliance with health protocols in Gresik Regency. The illustrations will be formed in the medium of animated videos, so that they can reach the wider community and have a stronger effect in raising awareness to comply with health protocols.

The efforts carried out by the PKM-RSH FIB UB team were made to assist the government in campaigning for the prevention of Covid-19 transmission. In addition, it is also used to maintain the local culture of the Gresik community, so that Damar Kurung can be known by the wider community and can maintain its existence.

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Source : @diksasindo.ub

Eid al-Adha 2021 falls on Tuesday, July 20, 2021 or on 10 Dhu’l-Hijjah 1442 Hijri. The year 2021 is the second year for Muslims to carry out Eid al-Adha during the Covid-19 pandemic. The pandemic situation that requires us to limit activities outside the home, especially Eid al-Adha in 2021 to coincide with the ppkm period, does not reduce the spirit of Muslims to perform worship. Sacrificing is one of the characteristics of Eid al-Adha.

Qurban aims to draw closer to Allah SWT by sacrificing something that has. The essence of sacrificing in the pandemic is expected to be able to draw closer to Allah SWT as well as pray that this pandemic will end quickly.

Eid al-Adha symbolizes sincerity and patience in sacrificing, when The Prophet Ibrahim and Prophet Ismail were supported by Siti Hajar to sacrifice lives that were then replaced with sacrificial animals, for Muslims who are sufficiently sunk to sacrifice an animal, whether cattle, goats, or sheep.

In addition to sacrificing, khotib is recommended to deliver a khutbah that is in accordance with the current conditions, namely “Sacrifice in the Pandemic”. In the current pandemic, the theme of sacrifice and pandemic is the closest thing to us. The implementation of Eid al-Adha prayers also uses strict health protocols, such as keeping a distance, wearing a mask, and not shaking hands. This is done according to the advice of the government at the same time to take care of yourself and others.

Pandemic is a world problem today, especially in Indonesia which has a high Covid-19 rate. Hopefully in Eid al-Adha 2021, the world will recover as it was before.

First Gathering Diskusi Inklusi 2021 : Increase Public Awareness for Disability Hero

Source : @diksi.fib (Instagram)

Saturday, July 10, 2021 Diskusi Inklusi (Diksi) Faculty of Cultural Sciences Brawijaya University held the First Gathering Diksi 2021.First Gathering was held through Zoom Meeting application and attended by all Diksi committee 2021 and several Steering Committee (SC) from BEM FIB, HIMAPRODI Diksasindo, and AEELS FIB.
The purpose of the First Gathering is to get to know each other’s Diksi 2021 committees and also explain the jobdesc of each division.
The first gathering event began with the opening by MC Martha Paulina from the Events Division and Rachmad Samudera who is also from the Events Division. The event was continued with a speech by the chief executive, Vranola Ekanis Putri. Furthermore, the speech from the Steering Committee of BEM FIB represented by Ivana Amerdika, HIMAPRODI Diksasindo represented by Herlina Dwi and AEELS represented by Wilda Afosma. After the speech, followed by introductions between divisions and jobdesc explanations of each division.
Diskusi Inklusi or can be shortened to Diksi is a social activity for those with special needs or disabilities. This activity is a collaboration of the English Language Education Association, the Indonesian Language and Literature Education Study Program Association and the Student Executive Board (BEM) of the Faculty of Cultural Sciences.
Diksi was first held in 2019 precisely on April 27, 2019 which raised the theme, “Equality for Disability” with presenters from PSLD UB. Furthermore, on September 5, 2020, Diksi was again implemented in the midst of the covid-19 pandemic with the theme, “Increasing Sensitivity and Concern for Inclusion. It’s not just How Greget Action is but How Sensitive to the Scope of Inclusion”. Diksi event was held online with presenter Nina Gusmita (Disabled Athlete), Iswahyuni, S.Pd, M.Pd.(English Education Lecturer), and Krishna Sekar L.(Teman Dengar) and Ryan Nugraha as Translator.
Diksi again comes with the theme “Increase Public Awareness for Disability Hero”, which will be held on August 28, 2021. Although still implemented online, Diksi 2021 is expected to fill the time in the pandemic to be more useful. For more information about Diksi 2021 can be accessed through social media Diksi namely: @diksi.fib (Instagram).

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