1. The Hall
The FIB Hall is located on the 2nd Floor of Building A and B of the Faculty of Cultural Sciences. A lot of study program activities and faculty activities are carried out in this hall. Guest lecture activities, art performances, drama final project performances, graduation and judicium, debriefing of various activities, and coordination meetings.
2. Meeting Room Building B
The meeting room, located in Building B of the Faculty of Humanities, Universitas Brawijaya, 1st floor, has a capacity of at least 30 people. This room is often used in organizing internal Faculty and University meetings, as well as receiving guests from partner institutions and universities.
3. Classroom
Classrooms are crucial in an educational institution. The Faculty of Cultural Sciences places lecture rooms in three different locations, namely Building A, B, and RL. The Department of Language Education activities are centered in Building B. There are ten classrooms, all of which are located on the 2nd floor.
4. Multimedia Room
The Multimedia Room is one of the centers of lecture activities. This room is also used as a language laboratory used for learning language skills. The Multimedia Laboratory has 30 computers that are used to serve practicum activities using computers as learning media. This laboratory is one of the multimedia rooms that can be accessed by academic staff, administrative staff, and students.
Users can use this room to conduct some training to improve computer competence or the ability to use information technology. It can also be used as a Production Room for students to hold several academic and non-academic (creative) activities such as: learning to make advertisements, films, voice-over, video editing, recording indoor theater performances, etc.).
5. FIB UB Canteen
As one of the facilities to go to when hunger strikes, the existence of the FIB canteen is needed. The FIB canteen is located next to Building B, opposite the RL Building. Here, residents of the Faculty of Cultural Sciences can buy food at affordable prices.
6. Movie Room
Movie Room is used to carry out academic and non-academic activities (creative activities) which include learning to make advertisements or films, voiceover, video editing, indoor theater performances, recording and others. This room is located on the 7th floor of Building A of the Faculty of Cultural Sciences.
To support the implementation of these activities, this room has been equipped with speakers, LCD Projectors, personal computers, mixer amplifiers, televisions, video switchers, microphone receivers, and others.
7. Self-Access Center
The Self-Access Center (SAC) is a place for self-study as well as a reading room for FIB UB students, and UB students in general. There are various books on language, novels, stories, and thesis references to facilitate students who have programmed a thesis. The SAC aims to develop students outside of teaching and learning in the classroom, thus creating students who are active in learning and achieving quality and highly intellectual graduates.